Immediately after the Second World War, Genichiro SHIOZAKI sought to cheer up the hearts of children and established the Kamishibai Center "Sanyukai" as an "e-moto" (producer) of Kamishibai.
An e-moto is the key player of the kamishibai business, who hires kamishibai illustrators to draw the illustrations (production) and rents the completed kamishibai to the kamishibai performers (distribution).
In 1955, Mr. Shiozaki established the "Shiozaki Nostalgic Kamishibai Museum" which introduces about 20.000 original kamishibai volumes (1 volume consists of 10 sheets).
Mr. Shiozaki passed away in the year 2000, but the museum still continues its activities.
An original kamishibai is entirely painted by hand, so it is unique in the whole world.
There are masterpieces by Goro SAKURA (master of Tezuka OSAMU) and Takeshi UDANO (great master of science fiction), also as by artists excellent in historical dramas and the drawing of beautiful women like Shojiro SADO, Shotaro YAMAGUCHI and Tsutomu KUTSUNA.
We find a variety of genres, such as "tragedy", "biography of great people", "historical drama", "detective story", "real life story", "legend", "fairy tale", "action", "science fiction" and "quick-witted quiz", each of them a true inspiration for children. All over Japan this street kamishibai has captured the hearts of children and never let go. Please experience by yourself the high level and thrill of original kamishibai. The picture stories will warm your heart and lead you to the cosy and cheerful good old days.
All members of the Shiozaki Nostalgic Kamishibai Museum, general incorporated association
〒557-0015 大阪市西成区花園南1-12-24
℡:090-6187-1422(代表理事 佐野)